
So I have been trying some new things in most aspects of my life. First is making myself uncomfortable. This may not make sense to some people but it does it me. I have been hiding away in “my tower” because everything in here is safe and known. I have been putting myself out there more and have been doing more things that I normally wouldn’t have. While I have been uncomfortable in doing these things, I am having fun and enjoying myself at the same time.

Second is food. I use to be a fat kid and I think I will always be one at heart so food is near and dear to my heart. I didn’t have a salad until I was 16. I spent most of my life eating fries, pizza and 99 cent Jr. Whoopers. This being said, trying new food is a HUGE deal.So I have been trying new things as well as trying to eat cleaner (I don’t think we could go completely clean, my husband would have my head) I tried a “green” smoothie and I actually like it. Today I while I was trying to organize my life events I tried almond butter (BIG DEAL) and it wasn’t bad and a nice alternative to sugary Kraft Peanut Butter.

Almond butter on a bagel and my pretty Kate Spade Planner
Almond butter on a bagel and my pretty Kate Spade Planner

Third is my fitness game. I have sort of, kind of worked out in the past. I would go to the gym when it was convenient for me or when I was in the mood. I have changed my why of thinking. I need to get myself in better shape. It’s a truth that I hate to face. It’s not just about losing weight, this needs to be a lifestyle change and choice! Before when I did make it to the gym it would run for about 40-45 minutes depending on the day or mood and it did truly depend on the day or mood. If I was in a good, wide awake kind of mood and I could run 5k no problem, if I was tired, uninterested mood I could run a mile and then just listen to music while walking the rest of the time a lotted myself. This week I changed that. I realized that one exercise is boring to me mentally and boring to me physically. I also have a new fitness gadget that is great at motivating but also great telling me when I’m in the zone and I don’t need to push myself harder and just keeping going at the pace I am.

IMG_1536edMeet my new Polar FT4. I love it .It is a heart monitor (not pictured) and “training computer” watch. A great feature is that since most of the equipment at the gym is actually Polar the heart monitor syncs with the machine so I don’t have to watch it on my wrist. I am the type that needs to know how many calories I am burning, I know calories are not the end all of losing weight and I don’t count calories when it comes to food. I don’t know exactly what it is about knowing how many calories I have burned that keeps me going but it does. Whatever works, right?

These are the biggest things that are “new” right now in my life. I hope now that I have a little more free time and energy I will post more. I hope you enjoyed!

Spring, Hurry Up Already!

I am a big lover of winter! Snow, sweaters, scarfs, boots, and the cold (I know I am a freak). But I am ready for Spring. Fresh grass, pastel colours, warmer temperatures and rain (again I am a freak). I recently bought a few things to get into the spring spirit.



I bought these guys last week for a great total of ten dollars! New season, fresh coat of paint, right ?


I bought these notecards from my work, they are so adorable and slightly hipster like, I probably could have made them but they were a great price and the tulips on the front gave me hope for the end of Canadian winter 🙂

What are you excited most about for spring ?

I hope you enjoy !

Five Things That Happened This Week


Again sorry I have been so absent , I have been working like crazy plus I needed to make my house presentable for company!

1) I cut back on my hours at work. I love what I do, I am happy I now know how to do a lot of tasks, but my life outside of work was suffering. My house is always in a state of chaos, I only get to go to the gym when I force myself to go with my friend( if it wasn’t for our weekly gym session I wouldn’t have gone), I am constantly tired and I have not been eating right. I have never about to handle a lot of things at one time so I cut my hours in half. This should make me less crazy.

2) My cousin and her friend came for a visit. Our hometown is only four hours away but it is a also a painful six hour bus trip. I did it once. I will be glad if I never have to do it again. They were here for all of 48 hours but I will say it wasn’t my favorite visit. My cousin and I love each other like sister but we are complete opposites. Usually when people visit we show them around, do a little shopping and try out so great restaurants but not this time. It was shop til to drop. Seriously, they managed to hit up every store in our town in 24 hours … and they wanted more. It was nice to have visitors though and they seemed to have a decent time. 

3) After we sent our visitors home we our friends over for supper and games. We don’t have many friends here so it’s nice to have a games night with them. I provided BBQ Chicken Pizza and garlic fingers and usually we pair it with Caesar salad but not this time, our friends brought salt and pepper onions rings, odd pairing but delightfully awesome! All this followed by Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros, and Squarrels ( If you haven`t played Squarrels, I strongly suggest it.) It was a great night but I did eat way too much food.

4) I noticed my hair is super long. Like I knew it was long but it is LONG! It’s random but it happened this week!


5)Booknote: I have given up on Benediction. I wasn’t a fan of the writing style. It was something I couldn’t get past. Sorry. I decided to take a break from fiction to read some source material about becoming a healthier me. I am currently reading Slim for Life By Jillian Michaels. I like her workouts so I thought I would give it a shot. I know some of what she is telling me and she is busting so weight myths. I have a great book picked out for my next read, I can’t wait to share. 

I hope you have enjoyed!




I like to think I am an organized person… And for the most part I am. I am never late, when I am it is because of my wonderful husband. I hardly forget things , like remembering to bring something somewhere or things like dates and such. I used to have an organized house until I started working a part time job with full time hours. I have some family coming to visit this week so I have no choice but to get my house in order, plus the spring cleaning bug is starting to get to me( I have already thrown out three garbage bags full of junk).

I got this lovely Kate Spade planner for Christmas from my husband and before things got crazy I use to write all my events and such in it and at the end of the day I would write the highlights of my day kind of like a journal without being too deep. With family coming I have broken it out again and I hope I don’t neglect it again, it’s too pretty to sit and collect dust. 

Also with family comes doing touristy type things so my camera will be coming with me and hopefully I will have some exciting stories to share with you.

Book Note: I feel like no matter what the post I should give a book update. For Book Club the only two categories I didn’t have covered were biography and a featured book in our store. I took the lazy way for Biography, I read Call The Midwife By Jennifer Worth. I am addicted to the show so I thought why not read the book. I came to the realization they didn’t deviate for the  book much at all. All the stories in the book were basically their own episode and so the reading was easy and quick. Currently I am reading Benediction By Kent Haruf. It is about a man dying of cancer and his wife wants to reconnect with their son that they haven’t spoken to in years. I haven’t made it very far but I will let you know my impressions when I finish. 

Hope you enjoyed   

Things That Happened This Week!

This week has been extremely busy, like exhausting! I worked a lot more than I normally do, but that was kind of my fault. I took an eight hour shift on my day off to help a coworker out, but that means I worked six days this week. I don’t do well with exhaustion thus no posts. Sorry. I thought I would give you share with you the highlights of my week in pictures. 


I made cupcakes for my work friend who is leaving for a better job. I’m very excited for her.
Coffee my Husband made me in the cup I gave him.
I was able to catch my kitty in a pensive moment.

My life is pretty boring.

Guilty Pleasure: Gym Playlist

Anyone that knows me, knows my music taste is quite eclectic. I don’t don’t fit into category and I like it that way. I am not usually embarrassed by my musical choices, but with my gym playlist it is in a class of it’s own right now. I don’t always listen to top 40 pop songs, but when I do I am running. I thought today I would give you a taste of what I workout to.

1) Teen Beach Movie – Cruisin’ for a Bruisin’. I love how fun it is! I am a huge musical fan and usually Family Channel movies are horrible, but the beauty of this one is that it is suppose to horrible. It is making fun of 50’s cheesy beach movies. This really does make me run faster.

2) Katy Perry – Roar. This one has a really good beat and makes me feel like I can really kill me run. I don’t know a girl out there that doesn’t love at least singing this song. It is a good workout anthem.

3) One Direction – Midnight Memories. I did mention this was guilty pleasures, right? I’m not gonna lie,  I am a closet (but not so much anymore) One Direction fan. I do not they are hot or follow their life stories but I do enjoy their fun, upbeat music. A workout is not complete without 1 One Direction song.

4) Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog- My Freeze Ray. Another awesome, geeky musical that has a great soundtrack. Back when I first discovered this musical, I would just watch the whole thing while I workout out. Since then I have limited it this song. It’s a cute song that makes you realize that Villains have hearts too. Also I love Neil Patrick Harris.

5) Paramore – Still Into You. I absolutely loved Paramore’s last album, but I overplayed it. Like to the point that if I hear one of the songs off the album, I have to change the song. That being said, I strayed away from their music. I discovered this song randomly searching YouTube and I love it. Again another really fun song to run to,

6) The Ting Tings- Shut Up and Let Me Go. In my books, The Ting Tings should be considered workout classics. I am all about beats to keep when I am running and walking on the Treadmill and all of their music keeps me going.

7) Mika Ft. Ariana Grande-Popular Song. The reason this song is great in general is fact that it contains part of a song from my favorite musical Wicked. I am a fan of Mika, but when I found this song it instantly went on my gym list. As you can see I love pop, upbeat songs.

8) Glee Cover- It’s Not Right But It’s Okay.I love Glee, that is not a secret. I can keep repeating myself but I pretty much love all these songs for the same reason.

Are you disgusted by my choices? Do you share my love of awfully great pop songs to workout to? Have any suggestions for my playlist?

Hope you have enjoyed!

Saturday’s Adventure

Two posts in two days, how exciting! Today I got to have a lovely adventure with one of my best friends. We decided to meet up with our husbands for lunch at one of our favorite lunch spots. 

I honestly CRAVE this lunch

On our way to lunch, we discovered that Nestle Toll House had opened a cafe! Are you kidding me? This is a fat-kid, coffee obsessed person’s dream come true (A.K.A me).

Great cookie, OK Coffee

Then because my friend is lovely, she took me 45 minutes away to take pictures for project I’m working on. I will explain it more once I actually figure it out . We found this cute little town with ducks, broken ice and very colourful buildings

A cute little duck couple on a date

And we finished the day with a always necessary trip to Target where I was able to pick up two shirts for work that I will actually wear outside of work, which is always a plus! I will save yo from a picture of that.

All and all I great way to spend a Saturday! I really should have spent the day cleaning, but what is the fun in that?

Oh, I finished The Rosie Project. It was not what I expected, but that isn’t a bad thing. It took me a little bit to get unto the story, but once I was hooked I couldn’t put it down. It’s a cute story with a ton of awkward situations. I don’t want to spoil it for anyone l but I am happy with the end result. My next book on my reading list is The Land of Stories by Chris Colfer (Glee Guy). We have a book club at work and we have to read a book from every category listed on our book club cards. Next on my list is Kids and I have heard really great things about this book. I will let you know how it is! 

Hope you enjoyed !

E.L.F. Make-up Review



So recently I took a big risk and decided to order online make-up I had never tried. I live in Canada so E.L.F. Cosmetics are not available here. I had been doing some research thanks to Pinterest and I had heard great things so I thought I would give it try. My giant package arrived two weeks ago and I made sure to have a good mix of things to try. I was so excited about the arrival of this package that I had to try pretty much everything right away. 

I ordered :

1) Mix your own tone Mineral Foundation

2)Mineral Concealer

3) Eye Brightener

4)Liquid Studio Blush

5) Cream Blush

6) Gel Eyeliner

7)3 Nail Polishes

8) Cuticle Nourishing Pen

9) BB Cream

I am going to say now, this is just MY opinion. My make routine is basic and I like my look to be very natural. Now that I have that out of the way, I only like probably 50% of the products I purchased. The foundation and concealer are okay, but I find they really dried out my face. I had to add extra moisturizer to my face at night after I removed my make-up. I also found it didn’t give me the coverage that I am use to with liquid foundation and I think I was mistake on my part, I didn’t order their primer and I think for my first order I should have been less “risky” and just order their liquid and pressed foundations. 

As for the BB Cream and Eye Brightener, I did not like these products; maybe I wasn’t using them right, but the brightener was not noticeable. I looked up multiple make-up tutorials that involved brightener but it had not effect on me. The BB Cream I had order on the lightest shade available and it my face a light shade of orange. I am very concerned about if I have make-up lines around my jaw line and blending but their was just not blending to be have. Again this is just my experience. 

The Studio blush had great potential, I do like this product but I ordered the wrong colour for my skin tone. I did test this on my hand though, it was very smooth and blended well just wished it was the right colour. I do love and use the cream blush. The colour in the container is a little off putting because it is bright pink but it is very smooth and blends well and it has a powder finish I really like. 

The Gel Eyeliner is the best I have come across ( this statement needs to be taken with a grain of salt because of my limited use of eyeliner). I have only used pencils for eyeliners but I love the control you have with the brush. You get to decide how thick, thin, dark or light you would like your eyeliner to be that day. I do realize you can get this with pencil liners as well, but I now prefer gel eyeliners. I do need to purchase a better brush though, it came with a little brush which for now is doing the trick, but I think I can get ever more control if I had a proper size brush.

Finally, I do love these nail products. The nourishing pen actually worked! I was skeptical about the pen but I thought for a $1 would give it a shot. It is working wonders on my very dry nail beds. I feel like I have the driest hands on the planets and I am glad I found a product that works. The Nail Polishes are great for the price, $2 a piece. They definitely compare to my other nail polishes. I went three days without a top coat before a chip. Most cheap nail polish I come across flake easily and feel like plastic . I needed two coats for full coverage and get the full effect of the colour. All and all, happy nails !

Again this is my nonprofessional, untrained opinion. I hope this was some what helpful to anyone who reads this. I don’t know if I ever do a review again, this was something I was excited about and had not as expected results so I thought I would share. 

Please feel free to agree or disagree in the comments. Everyone has a different skin type and different experiences with products. 


The Stories and Misadventures of a Wife Trying to Figure out Life